Thursday, January 14, 2010

Angel Jackson Bags Are Like TO DIE

You might wanna put on a diaper before you check out these studded leather bags, because you're surely shit yourself. They're by the sister act Katie and Millie Smith who design the marvelous Angel Jackson line of bags and belts. WANT.

Love the snakeskin, studs, '80s brights, and Chanel-inspired chain strap of the Disco Jack bag.

Snakeskin AND jaguar = two marauding members of the animal kingdom perfectly represented on one studded bag.

And, finally, a studded bag for A LOT less:
I got this from Lulu's, but I think they're sold out there. I've yet to use it, because I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the Eryn Brinie bag below (which wasn't worth the full price but definitely worth the sale price, but it's a whole lotta bag and would look pretty cute with an all-black outfit, since it's pretty noisy all on its own.