Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jason Wu For Target: The Key Cat Pieces

I KNOW I'm not the only person out there so excited for Jason Wu's Target collection that I could practically pee in a cat box. (No? Just me?) Hi, it's INSPIRED BY A CAT! A black cat named Milu.

So, naturalamente, my favorite pieces involve cats:

Striped jersey dress, $34.99

Milu the cat tote, $39.99

Milu print scarf, $19.99

Long-sleeved sheer blouse in white with, black ribbon, $34.99 (only at target.com); pleated full circle skirt, $29.99, also in floral and navy
This is my favorite non-cat-related look. If you don't have a simple white button-down and black circle skirt, you need your lady card revoked.

The Jason Wu Target collection hits Target February 5! Who knows -- maybe you'll run into Michelle Obama there. Or, more likely, you'll run into me, shopping with my cat in a stroller.

+ Related: Curiously intriguing Life magazine vintage photos of black cats auditioning for a movie in Hollywood, 1961:

Ralph Crane for Life Magazine, via Retronaut