Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Christina Hendricks Covers Lucky Magazine!

Christina Hendricks is on the cover of the July issue of Lucky Magazine (on stands July 5). Everyone wins! I'm not fully in L-O-V-E with the beige Donna Karan dress -- I would've loved to see her in green, but I guess it IS July, and green is SO fall/winter, and she does have gorgeous green accessories. 'Tevs though. What do I know?

Also, hopefully we can see this as a celebrate of a BEAUTIFUL woman and not just a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WITH CURVES! Enough with the caveat. She's gorgeous. Period. Full stop. Deal with it.

If you needed two more reasons to love Christina Hendricks, here they are: Ebay and Etsy. She provided Lucky with her favorite Ebay and Etsy finds. I know!

And no, I'm not afraid to cop to being a total Christina Hendricks/ Joan Holloway Stan. I even dressed like Joan for a wedding. In the words of Fred Armisen as Joy Behar... "SO WHAT? WHO CARES?"
Credit: TV Guide